
Netizens discuss Korean women’s “TRUE” opinion on CL’s looks

Netizens claim that people are upset at model Kim Jin Kyung because they feel sorry for themselves.
Model Kim Jin Kyung has recently become the center of netizen attention after allegedly acting disrespectfully towards a host’s comment, claiming she looked like 2NE1’s CL onMBC’s My Little Television. In addition, her Instagram account has been bombarded with malicious comments not only from Korean fans but international fans as well.
Kin Jin Kyung is a model who made an appearance on Korea’s Next Top Model and has been active in the media ever since. Although there were many malicious comments left about her on various websites, many Korean netizens stood up for her claiming she has done nothing wrong. Also, because Kim Jin Kyung was born in 1997 and considered a minor, many fans are asking her to record the malicious comments on her SNS in order to pursue them legally.
For years, one of the popular comments amongst Korean males about girls and their relationship with CL goes something like this:
“Girls say celebrities like CL are pretty all the time, but they hate it when you say they look like CL.”
Basically, some Korean men claim that Korean women secretly believe CL is not good-looking, yet praise her anyway in order to make themselves feel better. So when people tell women they look like CL, the women become offended.
Here are some of the comments protecting model Kim Jin Kyung’s reaction from the recent video that has been going viral:

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