16 Negative Space Manicures That Totally Equal A Positive

Negative space nails have been popular for some time now, but they're definitely a go-to trend for Fall 2015. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about this minimalist look, but after looking at these lovely designs, I'm starting to really like negative space! Negative space designs are perfect for long and short nails, and depending on the colors you use, the design can look simple or glam. After looking at these 16 negative space designs, you'll be craving negative space art for your next manicure. 

1. Negative space gives a minimalist feel to this incredibly detailed design.

2. This floral design with negative space chevrons is lovely! 

3. This is a cute way to incorporate negative space without it being the focal point of the manicure. 

4. The coral in this negative space color block really pops!

THC In Marijuana Delays Organ Transplant Rejection In Mice

A new study suggests the active ingredient in marijuana delays the rejection of incompatible organs in mice. The results were published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.

For the study, researchers transplanted the skin from one group of mice to a group of genetically different mice. The incompatible skin was treated with either a placebo or THC, the active compound in cannabis.

Due to the genetically different nature of the transplants, the mice's immune systems should have recognised the tissue as foreign and rejected it. However, the THC-treated transplants delayed rejection of the skin grafts when compared to the placebo group.

"We are excited to demonstrate for the first time that cannabinoid receptors play an important role in the prolongation of rejection of a foreign graft by suppressing immune response in the recipient," said Mitzi Nagarkatti, co-author of the study from the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, in a statement.

If the same holds true for humans, THC could be used as an anti-rejection therapy – especially for patients whose transplanted organ is not adapting well to its new host. 

"This opens up a new area of research that would lead to better approaches to prevent transplant rejection as well as to treat other inflammatory diseases,” added Nagarkatti.

To delve into this connection further, the researchers examined the possible reason for this delayed rejection. It turns out, the active ingredient in marijuana reduced T-cell proliferation and decreased early stage rejection-indicator cytokines.

"More and more research is identifying potential beneficial effects of substances contained in marijuana, but a major challenge has been identifying the molecular pathways involved," said John Wherry, deputy editor of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, in the statement. "These new studies point to important roles for the cannabinoid receptors as targets that might be exploited using approaches that refine how we think about substances derived from marijuana."

As this study was only performed on mice, more research is needed to determine if the results can be replicated in humans. Transplant patients should only use marijuana with their physician's consent and in accordance to local laws.


Canadian Paediatric Society re-affirms position against routine circumcision


The Canadian Paediatric Society has released an updated statement re-affirming its position against routine circumcision for newborn males.

The society said recent evidence about the potential health benefits associated with circumcision prompted them to undergo a review of the current medical research. Its last position statement on the matter was published in 1996.

While medical literature has pointed to potential health benefits of circumcision, including the prevention of urinary tract infections and some sexually transmitted infections, the benefits generally don't outweigh the risks, the society said.

"While there may be a benefit for some boys in high risk populations and the procedure could be considered as a treatment or to reduce disease, in most cases, the benefits of circumcision do not outweigh the risks," Dr. Thierry Lacaze, chair of the CPS Fetus and Newborn Committee, said in a separate statement released Tuesday.

The updated statement also included the following recommendations:

  • Parents of newborn males must receive the most up-to-date, unbiased and personalized medical information about circumcision, so they can weigh the risks and benefits in the context of their own familial, religious and cultural beliefs;
  • Parents who opt for circumcision should be referred to a practitioner who is trained in the procedure, and whose skills are up to date;
  • Newborns who are circumcised should be followed-up in the early post-surgery time period;
  • At the time of discharge from the hospital, parents should understand how to properly care for their son's penis, and be aware of possible complications.

Circumcision has become a contentious issue in Canada, as it raises ethical and legal considerations, in part "because it has lifelong consequences and is performed on a child who cannot give consent," the statement said.

However, waiting until a child is old enough to give consent can increase risks, as doctors recommend the surgery be performed within the first week of life.

While circumcision used to be quite popular in Canada starting in the 1950s, rates have declined over the past decades to the current average of 32 per cent, CPS said.

Syrian man pictured crying as his family landed in Greece finds refuge in Germany

Laith Majid and his family have arrived in Berlin, after images of the father tearfully clutching his children sparked awareness of Europe’s refugee crisis

A Syrian man who was pictured weeping as he and his family reached the Greek island of Kos last month has arrived in Berlin, it has been reported.

The family – Laith Majid, his wife, Nada Adel, their sons Moustafa, aged 18, Ahmed, 17, and Taha, nine, along with seven-year-old daughter Nour – travelled for weeks to reach Germany, Bild newspaper said.

The Facebook group Europe says Oxi posted a picture of the family in Berlin, smiling and laughing in sharp contrast to the images that last month prompted awareness of the mounting crisis as refugees headed for Europe’s borders.

The family are reported to be staying in Spandau, in the former Schmidt-Knobelsdorf police barracks, which have been adapted to house hundreds of refugees who have made their way to Germany.

Majid and his family had fled Islamic State in Deir Ezzor, a Syrian city beset by civil war violence since 2011, before boarding a flimsy inflatable raft – built for four people but carrying 12 – to Kos. They paid US$6,500 for the perilous trip across the water.

Daniel Etter, the photographer who took the image for the New York Times, reported: “When the boat landed, a middle-aged man got out. He was visibly shaken, and had a hard time walking. When all his family finally reached the safety of the beach, he and his wife broke down in tears, hugging every single one of their children.”

Etter helped the family to the main city of Kos, where refugees are processed by the Greek authorities, but later lost track of them.

Nada Adel, an English teacher in Syria, said 13 governments had offered to take them but they had decided on Germany. “Angela Merkel is very good,” she said. “She is like a mother for us.”

Merkel, the German chancellor, has said refugees from Syria can apply for asylum in Germany, rather than the first EU country they arrive in.

The family said seven-year-old Nour still has nightmares about their night spent crossing the water. “We’ll never go back to sea,” Majid told Bild.


Despicable? These 17 Minion Nail Designs Are Simply Adorable.


Enjoy Revolutionary Way of Living in Grand Heights

These minion nail designs are far from despicable. If you're a minion maniac, you'll want to try one of these manis right away. Minion nail designs are simple to do at home yourself and, as you'll see from the designs, are easy to personalize. Customize a minion nail design to match an upcoming holiday that will make all your friends stop and say, "Ooooooo". So grab a banana (hey, everyone needs a little extra potassium, right?) and your best yellow polish to design your own minion nails. 

1. The gang's all here!

Kevin, Stuart and Bob are here and ready to eat all the bananas. 

2. How to get the perfect minion nails

All it takes is 6 easy steps. 

3. A minion-mani

A cute way to change up this classic nail design.

4. These minions are fabulous

Make your minion nails really stand out with a little extra sparkle.

8 Genius and Gorgeous DIY Nail Polish Storage Solutions


Hate being disorganized but have a continually growing nail polish collection that multiples like a disease? Have no idea how to store all of it, too? Never fear, an awesome list is here! Here are eight genius and gorgeous DIY nail polish storage solutions. You'll be able to display your vibrant polishes to the world while doing it in the most aesthetic manner possible. 

DIY Nail Polish Box

Crystal clear shoe drawers = DIY nail polish storage

Watch the Sky for Tonight's 'Supermoon'


Remember to stop and look at the sky tonight to witness one of the biggest and fullest moons of the year -- known as a "supermoon."

A supermoon occurs when a full moon or new moon is closest to Earth and comes within 224,834 miles of us, which will happen six times this year, according to earthsky.org.

Tonight's supermoon will be during a full moon.

But if you miss tonight's supermoon, don't worry. The next one is just one month away, on Sept. 28.

Blood Test Could Predict Risk For Breast Cancer Relapse Months In Advance


A blood test that detects tumor DNA in patients with early-stage breast cancer may predict a woman’s risk of relapse months before conventional methods. The results are published in Science Translational Medicine

Breast cancer is a formidable foe for researchers, doctors and patients alike. To date, it is one of the leading causes of cancer death among women. For those fortunate enough to go into remission, the risk of relapse looms as a dangerous possibility. The earlier treatment can begin, the higher the rate of success a patient has. Now, a blood test may help increase those odds. 

“We have shown how a simple blood test has the potential to accurately predict which patients will relapse from breast cancer, much earlier than we can currently,” said lead author Dr Nicholas Turner from the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, in astatement.

For the study, researchers took tumor and blood samples from 55 early-stage breast cancer patients who had undergone both chemotherapy and surgery. The tests were personalized to the mutations found in the patient’s tumor. This way, the researchers could implement a technique called “mutation tracking” to uncover DNA shed by a woman's tumor into her bloodstream. 

Blood tests were repeated every six months for two years. Over the course of those years,15 women relapsed. Of those, the blood test predicted the return in 12 of them. The sensitivity of its detection is nothing to scoff at: The test signaled the cancer’s return eight months before it was visible on conventional imaging. 

The findings may one day lead to therapy tailored to individual patients, according to thestudy. However, that day is not yet near, as researchers still need to perform many more tests and trials. For one, the size of this latest trial was small. Second, the study took blood samples for only two years – the researchers therefore don’t know the predictive value of the test after that period of time has passed. 

Still, as Paul Workman, chief executive of ICR, said: ”Studies like this also give us a better understanding of how cancer changes to evade treatments – knowledge we can use when we are designing the new cancer drugs of the future.

Study Suggests The First-Born Child Is More Likely To Be Overweight


What can you birth order say about your weight? According to a new study, first-born women are more likely to be overweight or obese than their younger sisters.

There’s a lot of research on the relationship between birth order, personality and health. It’s been linked with intelligencepolitical ideology and cardiovascular disease. For obvious reasons, many don’t hold up to further scrutiny and it’s probably best to take these findings with a pinch of salt. But what’s particularly interesting about this recent study is that it’s the largest of its kind and builds on previous research that reported similar findings.   

The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, collected a range of data from the Swedish Birth Register, which included the weight and height of nearly 13,500 pairs of sisters. Researchers note that all large studies examining the effects of birth order on someone’s BMI – or body mass index – have previously been carried out on men, which prompted them to investigate whether there were similar patterns among women.

Researchers studied sibling pairs born between 1991 and 2009 to women who were at least 18 years old at the time of their first pregnancy. Twins were not included in the study.

They found that at birth first-born women weighed less than their siblings, but were more likely to be overweight or obese when they grew up. First-born women were 29% more likely to be overweight and 40% more likely to be obese, when compared with their second-born sisters. Also, the average BMI for first-borns was 2.4% greater than their second-born sisters.

“Our study corroborates other large studies on men, as we showed that firstborn women have greater BMI and are more likely to be overweight or obese than their second born sisters,” researchers note in the study.

“The steady reduction in family size may be a contributing factor to the observed increase in adult BMI worldwide, not only among men, but also among women,” they add.

It’s unclear why first-born women were more likely to be overweight. A co-author on the paper, Professor Wayne Cutfield from the Liggins Institute at the University of Auckland, speculates that this pattern could be partly down to a change in the amount of blood the placenta receives between first and later pregnancies. He told CBS News that blood vessels may be narrower in the first pregnancy, which could in turn reduce the nutrient supply; changing how fat and glucose is regulated in the body. First-born women could therefore at risk of storing more fat and have less effective insulin. 

Researchers were, however, quick to point out this is an observational study and therefore no definitive conclusions can be drawn about cause and effect. They also warn that although the research suggests birth order could be a risk factor for obesity, it’s clearly one of many and is probably only a small contributor.

Ridley Scott confirms his next movie is Prometheus 2


Ridley Scott just can't leave space alone. In a recent interview with Empire, the The Martian director stated plainly that his next project is the sequel to 2012's Prometheus. "I was starting to look for locations for my next movie," he told the magazine, "which wasPrometheus 2."

For those who don't remember, Prometheus served as a kind of pseudo-prequel to theAlien franchise. Starring Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender, the film delved into the origins of intelligent life on Earth as well as how the iconic Xenomorphs can into being. While the movie itself was a bit of a mess, it was still a financial success, paving the way to a new franchise running parallel to the Alien mythos. That's great news for fans who've wanted Scott to return to that universe for years. However, it also means people clamoring for the Neill Blomkamp-directed Alien 5 will have to wait a while longer.

How Grey's Anatomy is bringing sexy back for season 12


Grey's Anatomy

Last season of Grey’s Anatomy featured the death of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital’s resident hot doc, McDreamy a.k.a. Dr. Derek Shepherd. While fans are still recovering from the loss, the TGIT staple is looking to its upcoming season to bring a “brand new” feel to the long-running drama, according to star Jason George.

“They’ve hit reboot almost. There’s a lot of things that make it feel brand new,” George – who plays Dr. Ben Warren – told People“But it has that lightness and sense of humor that people fell in love with in the first place. And the sexy is back on. There are a lot of people who are not in couples now and are falling into bed. Everyone’s getting a little bit of loving.” 

Without Dempsey on set, the show is certainly “different,” but according to George, change is necessary – even if it takes the characters in a much sadder direction.

“People think they want everything to stay the same and everyone to be happy,” George said, “but happy people make for boring television, ultimately.”

To read more of George’s interview, head on over to PeopleGrey’s Anatomy returns Thursday, Sept. 24 at 8 p.m. ET on ABC. 

The Walking Dead to show airline zombie attack in stand-alone special


Fear the Walking Dead

What if an episode of The Walking Dead was set on a passenger airliner before civilization had fallen? 

That’s basically what AMC is planning in a highly unusual — if not totally unprecedented — new special that’s set during the time period of the hit drama’s companion series, Fear the Walking Dead.  

Here’s the plan: EW has exclusively learned AMC is producing a half-hour special that will tell a stand-alone story following a group of passengers facing a walker attack on an airline while in flight. One character who survives that encounter will then join the cast of Fear the Walking Dead in season 2. So, yes: Zombies on a Plane

Previously, AMC has had stand-alone The Walking Dead online web series, but the network never used such content to introduce a new character before they joined the show. The airline attack story will debut online, and will unfold this in chapters that will air during Walking Dead’s on-air telecasts. In other words: You’re watching The Walking Dead, AMC cuts to commercial break, then you get a chapter in the as-yet-untitled stand-alone airline attack drama.

Beyond that, details are scarce. We assume the flight is headed to Los Angeles, since that’s the setting of Fear (L.A. residents, insert your LAX-is-already-run-by-zombies joke here). Our lingering questions: What’s the stand-alone content called? Who is the new character being introduced and who will play them? (Presumably AMC will be reluctant to release that because that would then reveal which passenger survives.) How many pieces of this interstitial will there be, and across how many Walking Dead episodes will it air?

A plane has been used a setting for a zombie outbreak before, most memorably during a sequence in the otherwise lackluster World War Z. There was also a 2007 movie called Flight of the Living Dead (which also carried the subtitle Outbreak on a Plane for those who didn’t find ”Flight of the Living Dead” clear enough). It will be intriguing to see how TWD’s team add new twists into that trapped-group premise. Producers of the special content include Dave Erickson and Fear co-executive prodcuer David Weiner. 

The Walking Dead returns Oct. 11. Companion series Fear the Walking Dead recently premiered to a record 13.3 million viewers, including three days of DVR playback, making it the biggest series cable debut ever.  

From now until our huge fall TV preview hits newsstands Sept. 10, EW is bringing you 50 scoops in 50 days. Follow the hashtag #50Scoops50Days on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with the latest, and check EW.com/50Scoops50Days for all the news and surprises.

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